Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Still waiting word from Poland on a court date.  It may be several more weeks before we hear.  Today, we are praying for the Barnetts who are in Poland adopting a little girl.  Also, praying for the Aldersons that are also waiting for a court date. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Article 5 has been approved and NAC (Poland's National Adoption Center) will start their review tomorrow. Lifeline anticipates it will take about a month for NAC to complete their review.  Then, the NAC will coordinate with the local court, where the kids are located, and then set a first court date.  We are not sure if we will be required to attend this first court date.  If so we could be traveling in late October or November sometime. If we are not required to attend the first court date, the second court date is typically two weeks later and we are required to attend this one. 

So things are progressing along :)