Friday, November 29, 2013

Going to the movies

The family packed up and headed into Warsaw today.  It is the day after Thanksgiving so going to the mall is what we Americans do, right? Since Warsaw does not have an interstate that runs into downtown Warsaw, it took about an hour to get from the house to the mall.  The mall was huge!!

Of course, the kids we hungry so we went directly to the food court.  So good to see Subway and Burger King in addition to the KFC and McDonalds. Half of our crew went to BK and the other half Subway. After lunch, we went to check out the movie times at the theater located right there at the mall.  A couple of things different about movies in Poland:

  • Assigned seating in the theater.  You get to pick out your seats (row and seat). 
  • Some movies are actually in English with Polish captions. Catching Fire was in English which Drew Preston and Tucker loved. Frozen was in Polish which Karolina and Peter loved.
  • Yes, we still had 30 minutes worth of commercials before the movie started.
  • Watching our new kids were the best part of the movie.  We saw Frozen in 3D so our kids were amazed at the picture jumping out at them. They kept jumping up trying to touch the picture. Peter never sat back in his seat.  He sat on the edge totally in wow mode the entire movie. Karolina had a full grip on my arm.
It was a great way to spend the afternoon.

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