Sports fans beware
There is a 6 hour time difference between Poland and the East Coast so many sporting events do not even start until late in the evening or even early the next morning. Today was the big game - THE IRON BOWL - Auburn vs. Alabama...No. 4 vs. No.1...Good vs. Evil...the game was televised on CBS at 3:30 ET so 9:30 Poland Time. So we knew it would be a late night. Nevertheless, it was 2 AM before the Auburn fans stormed the field on of the wildest finishes to a college football game (Auburn returned an attempted field goal by Alabama, with one second to go in the game, 109 yards to win on the game). Us die-hard Auburn fans that were still up (all the original Clements minus Ellie) could not help but start yelling and jumping up and down. It was a great celebration that I am sure was shared by many around the world...huddled around a computer screen.
Note: our internet was out for most of the first quarter and then blinked on and off through most of the game so patience is a requirement to watch a sporting event here. Thankfully, we had friends back home that sent us updates throughout the game so we could keep up with the happenings.
It seems like the internet is out the worst between mid-afternoon and late evening. It just makes us thankful that much more for what we have back home.
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