Saturday, November 9, 2013

When doing research to prepare our family for the trip to Poland, I found very few blogs available that focused on the Polish adoption process (paperwork trail, how long each step takes, and helpful hints for the trip).  So the intent of this blog has been geared towards families also adopting from Poland.  My wife, Robyn, is writing a family blog ( that is more geared towards the daily goings on our family.

It has been one week since we first arrived in Poland.  The seven hour time zone difference has been easier on some of us than others.  It seems that biting the bullet seems to have worked best.  We departed the U.S. on a Friday evening (most flights depart in the evening) and we arrived mid-day on Saturday (still early in the morning back home). We did our best to stay up Saturday and just go to bed early that evening (would have been so nice just to go to bed once we got to the hotel).  It still took several days to adjust our internal clocks.  All this to say that it will be may be a bit frustrating the first few days and nights but it will get better :)

Google Play Movie:  last night I planned to surprise Ellie with a movie I had downloaded on my tablet. Well, found out the hard way that Google Play Movie does not work yet in Poland.  I few movies that I purchased do work.

Google Play Books:  Downloaded several books for the trip.  These have been a blessing.  First, they are much lighter than packing a bunch of books for the trip.  Also, much easier on the eyes of your roommate still trying to sleep than turning on the lights in the middle of the night (jetlag has you waking up at weird times of the night).  A Study Bible is great!

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